









I first wrote an 8 puzzle solver some years in my university Artificial Intelligence class. That version was a terminal program written in Python. The purpose of that project was to learn about – and then characterize the performance of – different search algorithms and heuristic functions. Feel free to get the code on Github.

Above is a web port of my python project. Enjoy solving puzzles and exploring the performance characteristics of different search algorithms! If you're interested in the details of the algorithms, keep reading.

Search algorithms

The search algorithms used in this project are:

  • Breadth First Search
  • Greedy Best First Search
  • A* Search

Breadth First Search is a simple search algorithm that explores the search space in a breadth-first manner. This means that it will explore all the nodes at a given depth before moving on to the next depth. In this case, each node represents some state of the puzzle. This algorithm is guaranteed to find the shortest path to the goal state, but it is also the slowest of the three algorithms.

Breadth First in Python
  def breadth_first_search(startPuzzle, solutionPuzzle = "12345678-"):
    queue = Q.Queue()
    visitedPuzzles = set([startPuzzle])
    while not queue.empty():
        path = queue.get()
        currentPuzzle = path[-1]
        if currentPuzzle == solutionPuzzle:
            return path
        for child in getPuzzleChildren(currentPuzzle):
            if child not in visitedPuzzles:
                queue.put(path + [child])
    return None

Greedy Best First Search is a search algorithm that explores the search space in a manner that prioritizes the nodes that are closest to the goal state using some heuristic function. The heuristic function makes a guess which child node is most likely to lead to the goal state. This algorithm is faster than Breadth First Search, but it is not guaranteed to find the shortest path to the goal state.

Greedy Best First in Python
  def best_first_search(heuristicFunction, startPuzzle, solutionPuzzle = "12345678-"):
    queue = Q.PriorityQueue()
    queue.put((heuristicFunction(startPuzzle), [startPuzzle]))
    visitedPuzzles = set([startPuzzle])
    while not queue.empty():
        _, path = queue.get()
        currentPuzzle = path[-1]
        if currentPuzzle == solutionPuzzle:
            return path
        for child in getPuzzleChildren(currentPuzzle):
            if child not in visitedPuzzles:
                queue.put((heuristicFunction(child), path + [child]))
    return None

A* Search is a search algorithm that combines the best of Breadth First Search and Greedy Best First Search. As it explores, it keeps track of the cost of the path to each node. This cost is the sum of the cost of the path to the parent node and the cost of the action that led to the child node. Keeping track of this cost allows A* Search to find the shortest path to the goal state while still exploring the search space with a heuristic to help. This algorithm is often slower than Greedy Best First Search, but it is guaranteed to find the shortest path to the goal state.

A* in Python
  def a_star_search(heuristicFunction, startPuzzle, solutionPuzzle = "12345678-"):
    queue = Q.PriorityQueue()
    start_g = 0
    start_f = heuristicFunction(startPuzzle) + start_g
    visitedPuzzles = set(startPuzzle)
    queue.put((start_f, (start_g, [startPuzzle])))
    while not queue.empty():
        node = queue.get()
        _, current_node = node
        current_g, current_puzzle_path = current_node
        current_puzzle = current_puzzle_path[-1]
        if current_puzzle == solutionPuzzle:
            return current_puzzle_path
        for child in getPuzzleChildren(current_puzzle):
            if child not in visitedPuzzles:
                child_g = current_g + 1
                child_f = heuristicFunction(child) + child_g
                queue.put((child_f, (child_g, current_puzzle_path + [child])))
    return None

Heuristic functions

The heuristic functions used in this project are:

  • Manhattan Distance
  • Hamming Distance

Manhattan Distance is a heuristic function that estimates the cost of the cheapest path from the current state to the goal state. It does this by summing the distances of each tile from its goal position. The distance of a tile is the sum of the horizontal and vertical distances between the tile and its goal position.

Manhattan Distance in Python
  def manhattanDistance(puzzle):
    distance = 0
    for i, val in enumerate(list(puzzle)):
        if val == "-":
        targetIndex = int(val) - 1
        targetCoordinates = (targetIndex // 3, targetIndex % 3)
        distance += abs(targetCoordinates[0] - (i // 3)) + abs(targetCoordinates[1] - (i % 3))
    return distances

Hamming Distance is slightly different. It estimates the cost of the cheapest path from the current state to the goal state by counting the number of tiles that are not in their goal position regardless of their distance from their goal position.

Hamming Distance in Python
  def hammingDistance(puzzle):
    target = "12345678-"
    return sum([1 for i, val in enumerate(list(puzzle)) if val != target[i]])

A note on admissibility.

Both of these heuristic functions are admissible. Admissible means that the heuristic function will never overestimate the cost of the cheapest path from the current state to the goal state. This is important because if a heuristic function is not admissible, then the search algorithm may not find the shortest path to the goal state.

Performance Testing

Using my old python program here on Github, I ran performance tests on over 500 randomly generated puzzles. I ran every solver and heuristic pair three times per puzzle and averaged the results before recording them. The results are shown below.


        Solver analysis from 500 puzzles with 3 identical trials per algorithm sorted by speedup.        
 Solver                Heuristic           Avg. Length  Avg. Time  Std. Dev.  % Std. Dev.  Speedup 
 Best First Search     Manhattan Distance  63.748       0.00605    0.00336    55.6         149.9   
 Best First Search     Misplaced Tiles     129.024      0.01179    0.00916    77.7         76.9    
 A* Search             Manhattan Distance  23.16        0.03935    0.05039    128.1        23.0    
 A* Search             Misplaced Tiles     23.16        0.28869    0.34775    120.5        3.1     
 Breadth First Search  None                23.16        0.9063     1.16472    128.5        1.0     


 Category                                         Category Winner                           
 Fastest Solver (Averaging over heursitcs used)   Best First Search                         
 Fastest Heuristic (Averaging over solvers used)  Manhattan Distance                        
 Most Consistent (Min. % Std. Dev.)               Best First Search with Manhattan Distance 
 Fastest Overall Search                           Best First Search with Manhattan Distance 
 Fastest Optimal Search                           A* Search with Manhattan Distance         